Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hukoomten Aag Mein Kab Jalen Gi?

Please note: This post has been shifted to the Urdu Blog - Civil Pakistan. To see it, click the link below:

1 comment:

  1. In agreement to the opinion expressed by the blog, I would add that the political parties have more share in this crime.

    It is the first and foremost duty of any political party to train it's cadres, and have an outreach with the common man in political training.

    In the Karachi tragesy, I think the PPP has the largest share of dishonor, and it deserves it.

    It is a shame that being the largest political party, it's labor cadres and labor union wings exist only in this party's dustbin.

    It is a no shame for the MQM because it knows only blood and booty.
