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In a world with an intellectual history of seven thousand years behind it, where do Pakistanis stand, what are they doing, what do they aspire to be, and what ought they to be doing? This Blog takes Notes of all of that ...
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Finished reading: Stoicism
Day before yesterday
(Oct 28) I finished reading, Stoicism, by Rev. W. W. Capes. It was
published in 1880, as part of a series - Chief Ancient Philosophies, by the
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London.
book discusses Stoicism in a historical perspective, focusing on its
development via its chief philosophers, such as Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus
Aurelus Antoninus, and its relation to early Christian teachings.
Chapters give a glimpse of the contents of the book:
I. The Thought and Character of Socrates
The Cynics
The Rise of Stoicism and its Relation to the Spirit of the Age
Stoicism in the rigour of its Essential Principles
Stoicism tempered by Concessions to Common Sense
Stoicism at Rome under the Republic
The Critics and Enemies of Stoicism under the Early Empire
The Social Status of the Professional Moralists at Rome
The Career of Seneca
Seneca as a Moralist
Seneca and St. Paul, or the Relation of Stoicism to Christianity
Epictetus, or Stoicism in the Cottage
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, or Stoicism on the Throne
The Stoic Creed and Temper in Relation to other Aspects of Thought
are some excerpts from the book, which I found interesting and enlightening:
so many of the wants of civilized life were thus discouraged, it was not likely
that the institutions of the State would be regarded with much favour. The
sage, they thought, should feel himself a citizen of the world at large, and be
indifferent to the petty politics of any little State, with all their much ado about
the trifles of honours or official rank.” [P. 17]
relevant to each and every thinking mind! And how true especially for ‘petty
politics of Pakistan’s little State, with all its much ado about the trifles of
honor or official rank!’
theory which identifies the world with God, and believes Him therefore to exist
alike in the evil and the good, might be in the long run fatal to intensity of
moral purpose, tending as it naturally does to slur over and efface the broad
lines of distinction between good and evil which the common sense of humanity has
sharply drawn.” [P. 42]
it a moral dilemma the mystics have to face, but how they resolve it is
interesting to see!
was one contemporary figure, the most famous Stoic of the age, the younger
Cato, who shows us in a striking form the strength and weakness of the standard
by which he ruled his life. No one had more than he the courage to avow his principles
and act up to his convictions; in an age of political corruption there was no
stain upon his honour; and his moral influence, when once exerted to check the
bribery of candidates for office, did more, we are told, than all the laws and
penal sanctions which enforced them. In the worst crisis of the revolution,
when the spirits of other men were soured, and the party cries grew fiercer,
his temper seemed to become gentler, and to forbode the miseries of civil war.
Inflexible before, he pleaded for concessions to avert the storm; and when they
were refused, he raised his voice still for moderate counsels, and spoke to
unwilling ears of the claims of humanity and mercy. He struggled on, while hope
remained, fearlessly and consistently in what he thought the cause of right and
order; and when at last that cause seemed ruined irretrievably, he calmly
prepared to leave the scene where he could no longer act with self-respect,
talking as he died upon the soul's immortal hopes, and the freedom which the
wise man only can enjoy.” [PP. 73-74]
of course, stoicism is a philosophy which tries to answer the crucial question
each thinking mind faces, i.e.: how to live, and in that, more than a
philosophy, it is a theory of conduct.
let’s see what happens with Pakistan’s Cato of the moment, Justice Fakhruddin
G. Ebrahim (Retired); whether he like Cato ‘leaves the scene’ or not! He is
facing the same question how to fight for ‘cause of right and order!’
brighter days came in with Trajan and the Antonines. Freedom of thought and
speculative studies were not tolerated only, but encouraged; special privileges
were granted to the teachers, some of whom were treated with marked honour, and
invited to the court; endowments even were created and salaried professors
named, to represent the great historic systems of philosophy. At last Stoicism itself
mounted on the throne, and in the person of Marcus Antoninus seemed to realize
the high ideal of the king-philosopher which Plato had dreamed of centuries
before.” [P. 105]
impact is produced when a philosophy is espoused and patronized by ruling
elites is quite a complex question but a very important one? Not discussed
here! This reminds of the periods of the ascendancy of Mutazilites and Asharites and its
consequences when various Muslim rulers patronized the schools.
exercise and medicine provide," says Plutarch, "for the body's health
and strength, so philosophy alone can cure the weakness or the sickness of the soul.
By her help man learns to distinguish the noble from the base, the just from
the unjust, the things worthy of our choice from those which we should shun;
she teaches him how he ought to act in all the relations of his social life,
warning him to fear the gods, honour his parents, respect old age, obey the laws,
submit to governors, be loving to his friends, show self-control with womankind,
tenderness with children, moderation with his slaves—above all, not to triumph
overmuch in prosperous days, or to be cast down in adversity, not to be
overmastered by pleasure, or brutalized by passion." [PP. 106-107]
it has been (and still is) for the Philosophy to teach men how to live?
However, where philosophy did not take root, other ways of thought, not subject
to correction or revision, developed, and taught masses at large how to live.
(Marcus Antoninus,) gave the Stoic Rusticus the credit of his conversion to philosophy:—"It
was he who made me feel how much I needed to reform and train my character. He
warned me from the treacherous paths of sophistry, from formal speeches of
parade, which aim at nothing higher than applause. Thanks to him I am weaned
from rhetoric and poetry, from affected elegance of style, and can write now
with simplicity. From him I have learned to concentrate my thoughts on serious
study, and not to be surprised into agreeing with all the random utterances of
fluent speech." [PP. 108-109]
matters ultimately is the substance, the real content of thought!
us not wonder that what lies so deep is brought out so slowly. How many animals
have become known for the first time in this age! And the members of future
generations shall know many of which we are ignorant. Many things are reserved
for ages to come, when our memory shall have passed away. The world would be a
small thing, indeed, if it did not contain matter of inquiry for all the world.
Eleusis reserves something for the second visit of the worshipper. So, too,
Nature does not at once disclose all her mysteries. We think ourselves initiated:
we are but in the vestibule. The arcana are not thrown open without distinction
and without reserve. This age will see some things, that which comes after us others." (Quote from Seneca) P. 239
how patient and resolute he is and he knew that arcana will continue to open
‘without distinction and without reserve,’ and of course without an end!
advantage of this opportunity, let us see: what is Stoicism?
would limit this to the books I have in my personal library, instead of getting
lost in the jungle of the world wide web:
ethical doctrine which endorses a life of virtue, action in accordance with the
rational way of the universe, and endurance in the face of unavoidable
of Common Philosophical Terms, Masterpieces of World Philosophy in Summary
Form, Edited by Frank N. Magill; Harper & Row, Publishers; New York, 1961]
general trend of Cynic philosophy was carried on by Stoicism, which was founded
by Zeno. It is reported that he was a merchant engaged in commerce, but, after
having suffered shipwreck, he happened, at Athens, upon Xenophon’s account of
Socrates and began the study of philosophy. In time, he established his own
school in Stoa Poikile (Painted Porch) at Athens; whence the name
for this view that ‘Stoicism carried on the general trend of the Cynic philosophy,’
Capes also tell: “The Roman satirist Juvenal remarked that the distinction
between the Cynics and the Stoics lay only in the coat they wore, . . .” P. 22}
Epicurus, Zeno held that ethics is the most important part of philosophy. To
gain the good life men must know how to think straight and must understand the
universe in which they live. Knowledge is built up inductively by generalizing
sense experiences, and because of the similarity of all minds common emotions
are derived that are valid for all. As Heraclitus has suggested, human reason
is identical in essence with a world reason that pervades the universe and
keeps it in order. This is the Divine Reason, or the Logos. Conviction of
knowledge comes when a feeling of finality, an irresistible impression, seizes
one. The Stoics added to technical logic by discussing the hypothetical form of
the syllogism.
too, regarded the material world as the real world, but believed it is pervaded
by force. Reality is designated by various terms: matter, spirit, reason. All
things are animated by a universal Soul. Pantheism is the true doctrine. From
the World Soul all finite souls come; and they exist on different levels of
perfection, from the human rational down through the animal and vegetable to
the simple elements. The universe evolves through cycles, each culminating in a
universal conflagration, ending one cycle and beginning the next. No souls are
immortal beyond this point.
beings are very limited in their freedom, but the causal law of the universe
goes through human beings as well as other things. As causal elements
themselves, men are so far free and responsible. Man is free to determine his
mental attitude toward life and what it brings him. His obligation is to live
rationally and accept nature as an orderly expression of World Reason or
Providence, submitting without complaint to what it brings. PP: 41-42
in the History of Philosophy, by Albert E. Avey, Barnes & Noble, Inc., New
York, 1954, Second printing 1955]
exponents of a philosophical school that appeared on the basis of Hellenistic
culture in the 4th century B.C. under the impact of cosmopolitan and
individualistic ideas and technical developments impelled by the expansion of
mathematical knowledge. Zeno of Citium and Chrysippus were the most prominent
exponents of the school in the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C.
The role of the sciences treated by the Stoics was defined by them as follows:
logic is the fence, physics is the fertile soil, and ethics its fruit. The
chief task of philosophy concerned ethics; knowledge was no more than a means
of acquiring wisdom and skill of living. Life, the Stoics held, had to be lived
according to nature. That was the ideal of every wise man. Happiness lay in
freedom from emotion, in peace of mind, in imperturbability. Fate preordained
everything in life. He who consented was led on by fate; he who resisted was
dragged along. The Stoics were materialists in their conception of nature, but
their materialism combined with nominalism. In contrast to predicate logic,
Stoics created propositional logic as a teaching about transforming simple
propositions into complex ones, and used it as a basis for evolving a
propositional theory of inference. The Stoics established the varieties of the
connection of judgments which modern logic designates as conjunction,
disjunction and material implication. Stoics appeared on Roman soil in the first
centuries A.D.; they applied themselves to the moral and religious ideas of the
stoic school; prominent among them were Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius.
of Philosophy, Edited by I. Frolov; Progress Publishers, Moscow, First printing
1967; Second revised edition 1984]
Movement founded by Zeno of Citium (c.336-c.264 BC; different from Zeno the
Eleatic), and named from the porch (‘stoa’) in Athens where he taught. Stoics
treated knowledge under three heads: logic, physics, ethics. They developed
propositional logic and the theory of implication, and tried to discover a sure
mark (‘criterion’) of truth. They developed a thoroughgoing materialism,
treating matter as a continuum (as opposed to Epicurean atomism), but added a
rather non-material flavour with their pantheism and notions such as the
‘tension’ (‘tonos’) that matter was subject to. In ethics (towhich the later
Stoics largely confined themselves) they held determinist views and advocated
acceptance of fate, based on self-sufficiency and a realization that ‘virtue’
was the only ultimate value. Leading Stoics include also Chrysippus
(c.280-c.206 BC), Posidonius (c.135-c.51 BC), Cicero (106-43 BC), Seneca (c.4
BC-AD 65), Epictetus (c.AD 50-c.138), Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-80).
of Philosophy, A. R. Lacey, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, First published
1976, Second edition 1986]
رواقیہ Rawaqiyah
so named by the Muslim philosophers because the founder of the school of
Stoicism, Zeno (Zainun, as distinguished from Zainun al-Akbar) used to teach in
a rawaq, i.e. in Stoa Poecile or a Painted Porch at Athens. According to
the Stoics, virtue alone is good while there are no degrees of moral goodness: it
is all or nothing. One ought to have a full control of one’s passions and
desires by becoming completely indifferent to pain and pleasure; for, thus,
alone could one attain to the life of virtue. The Stoics enlarged the area of
moral responsibility from the confines of a City-State to include all human
beings. Everyone is a citizen of one and the same State, i.e. the State of
Humanity. All men are of same blood, of one family and so each should treat
everyone else as “sacred beings.” In their view of the universe they inculcated
a kind of pantheism. The Muslim philosophers welcomed their humanitarian and
cosmopolitanism, and also keenly studied their theory of knowledge and logic.
Dictionary of Muslim Philosophy, Professor M. Saeed Sheikh, Institute of
Islamic Culture, Lahore, 1970]
رواقی مدرسۂ فکر
ایک فلسفیانہ مدرسۂ فکر جو سائپرس (قبرس) کے شہر ’’سی ٹیم‘‘ سے تعلق
رکھنے والے مفکر زینو (۳۵۰ـ قبل مسیح) سے منسوب ہے۔ اس کے مطابق خودکشی جائز ہے
اور ۲۰۶ ق م میں اس نے خود کشی کی۔ ایک خیال کے مطابق رواقیت محض ایک مدرسۂ فکر
ہی نہیں بلکہ ایک زمانہ میں مذہب کی حیثیت اختیار کر گیا۔ اس کے مطابق ہستی اولیٰ
کی جستجو دراصل مقصدِ آخریں کی تلاش ہے جو زندگی کے لیے باعثِ فیض ہے۔ حکمت یا
فضیلت ہمارے اعمال کی غایت ہے۔ سب سے اعلیٰ نیکی راست روی اور عقل کی روشنی میں
عمل کرنا ہے۔
[کشافِ اصطلاحات فلسفہ (اردوـانگریزی)، ڈاکٹر عبدالقادر قاضی، شعبہ
تصنیف و تالیف و ترجمہ، کراچی یونیورسٹی، کراچی، ۱۹۹۴]
sharing the ideas of the Stoics, I want to invite your attention to the view that
it is the Moral Question which is the most crucial question for human beings,
and we must face it:
to live morally and rationally in the present Pakistan?
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Monday, October 29, 2012
Qadren - Aur Jatt Da Vaer
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Thursday, October 25, 2012
Karachi - not a political problem!
Is it for the Supreme Court to see what's happening to the citizens in Balochistan and Karachi?
Or there is none to heed? It seems so!
I think Nero was a far better person than the present federal and provincial rulers. At least, he had a knack for playing fiddle; whereas the present ruling party and its allies and the state machinery under them are interested only in making sure they remain in the government and continue robbing the citizens' tax money.
They do not care a dime for the security of citizens' life and property; let these cockroaches be robbed and die. Especially, in Karachi man-slaughtering has the semblance of a political game.
But the solution to this problem is not a political one; it is administrative! Until and unless it is treated as an administrative issue, there is going to be no improvement in the law and order situation in Karachi.
Karachi – not a political problem!
Or there is none to heed? It seems so!
I think Nero was a far better person than the present federal and provincial rulers. At least, he had a knack for playing fiddle; whereas the present ruling party and its allies and the state machinery under them are interested only in making sure they remain in the government and continue robbing the citizens' tax money.
They do not care a dime for the security of citizens' life and property; let these cockroaches be robbed and die. Especially, in Karachi man-slaughtering has the semblance of a political game.
But the solution to this problem is not a political one; it is administrative! Until and unless it is treated as an administrative issue, there is going to be no improvement in the law and order situation in Karachi.
The latest cliché is: Karachi is a political problem!
Explanations vary. Some say it cannot be solved only by resorting to force;
some assert that even if you call Army, in the
end it will require political resolution. Or any such views in various wordings
From army, rangers, police, to TV talk
show hosts, their guests; from politicians, representatives of civil society,
personalities from the elite classes, to op-ed writers, columnists,
news-analysts, - all are parroting the same refrain: Karachi is a political
problem and all the stakeholders should sit together and resolve it.
The writer thinks otherwise: Karachi is not a
political problem, though no doubt it's a problem which has both been created
and complicated by the politicians and political parties. In his view, Karachi is an
administrative problem. In fact, Karachi
is a problem of law and order; a problem emerged due to the lack of the rule of
law and supremacy of the law. It's a problem of absence of an efficient system
of dispensation of justice. In the last analysis, it's a problem of securing
the fundamental rights to the citizens of Karachi .
Instead, the political parties put all
these vital issues on the back burner. They
relegated them, but to promote their own heinous political gains and played
havoc with the lives and properties of the citizens of Karachi . It was they who gave rise to and
strengthened the criminal politics in Karachi .
That's why they are not the stakeholders (how could criminals be the
stakeholders?), the citizens of Karachi
are the real stakeholders.
Also, both the federal and provincial
governments are accomplice in this game. They did not meet their administrative
and constitutional responsibilities in Karachi .
They miserably failed in protecting the citizens' lives and properties there.
It was back in 1954 that Justice Muhammad
Munir and Justice M. R. Kayani, while concluding their Report of Inquiry into
the 1953 Punjab Disturbances, wrote (it's the last para and last words of the
“And it is our deep conviction that if
the Ahrar had been treated as a pure question of law and order, without any
political considerations, one District Magistrate and one Superintendent of
Police could have dealt with them. Consequently, we are prompted by something
that they call a human conscience to enquire whether, in our present state of
political development, the administrative problem of law and order cannot be
divorced from a democratic bed fellow called a Ministerial Government, which is
so remorselessly haunted by political nightmares. But if democracy means the
subordination of law and order to political ends – then Allah knoweth best and
we end the report.” (Justice Munir Inquiry Report 1954, P. 387)
So, the disease afflicting Pakistan is not
new. It's age-old; sort of a disease Pakistan was born with. It is this
same disease that divided Pakistan
into two, and has begotten "Karachi "
of today.
The treatment of the disease was/is very
simple, but till now it has not been taken recourse to. It lies in having
independent institutions, not working under the will of the politicians and
political parties, but taking their 'elan vital' from the laws and the
constitution of the country. First and foremost, courts and police must be
independent, so that political parties are not able to induct their cronies,
agents, and touts in them – the ones who draw their salaries from the tax money
of the citizens, but work to protect the dirty games of their masters.
The problem of Karachi is an administrative one, and needs
to be dealt with according to the demands of maintaining law and order, and
there must not be any political interference, and shadow of political
considerations either while these institutions play their role. The law must
take its course in Karachi ,
no matter which political party is in power. That's the way to resolve the Karachi 's administrative
[This article was completed on September 10,
2011. ]
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Taareekh Aur Nazriya-e-Saazish
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Universality of “Conspiracy Theories” in Pakistan
The street intellect as a rule and the scholarly intellect generally
live and thrive on the staple food of Conspiracy Theories in Pakistan.
Nothing is so acceptable and universal here as the occurrence of
conspiracy theories. Be they daily incidents, or the historical events of national
or international significance, they all originate, it is understood, from the
womb of certain eternal conspirators, the selection of which depends on the
nature of the event to be explained. Descartes ought to be jealous of this
Likewise, be it academia or any think tank (an animal so rare in
Pakistan!), or an intellectual, literary, economic, historical, religious,
political organization, or any such thing, or the all-powerful entity of the
state and government of Pakistan (powerful versus the ordinary citizens only!),
they all solve and resolve the problem of explaining all the happenings by
taking recourse to this or that conspiracy theory or conspirator.
Almost all the intellectual minds in Pakistan, from top to bottom, now and
then, use a ready-made list of conspirators to explain away the events, be they
as simple as a usual rain or be they as complex as the case of present
Bablochistan is.
They start with a conspiratorial premise, and usually go for all that
hard labor known as research or data collection and analysis, but then end up with begging
the question. In short, they do not seem to mind the evidence or data
conflicting with their conclusions, and the irrationality of their inferences
also. That is nature of almost all the scholarship in Pakistan!
The list includes a variety of enemies, ranging from concrete and
abstract to manufactured and fancied ones; and is used as the situation
requires and ‘as the case may be.’
Here are some “enemies” from this handy list:
* West
* Westernism
* Western Civilization
* Western Philosophy
* Western Literature
* Western Sciences
* Western Dress
* Western Technology
* Every New Gadget
* Modernism
* Imperialism
* British Imperialism
* Colonialism
* British Colonialism
* Neo-Colonialism
* American Imperialism
* American Neo-Colonialism
* Expansionism
* American Expansionism
* Russian Expansionism
* Indian Expansionism
* Chinese Expansionism
* Soviet Union
* Communism
* Socialism
* India
* Jews
* Israel
* Europe
* WTO (World Trade Organization)
* UN (United Nations)
* The World Bank
* IMF (International Monetary Fund)
* ADB (Asian Development Bank)
* Big Business
* MNCs (Multi-National Corporations)
* TNCs (Trans-National Corporations)
* Capitalism
* Capitalists
* Consumerism
* Foreign Hand
* Holly wood
* Bollywood
* Feudalism
* NGOs
* Women
The target of these conspiracy theories and conspirators are those
helpless beings who think themselves as the Eternal Victim.
Let me define the mentality of victimhood: a victim is one who earnestly
considers himself a victim of countless victimizations for this or that or for
any reason.
The psyche and psychology of this victimhood is quite complicated; and
again all such subjects or disciplines are studied in the West by the Jews or
Americans or Europeans. That strengthens the sense of victimhood in the victims,
and makes them Charismatic also.
These victims, they consider themselves perfectly innocent and perfectly
passive, the like of which can never be found on the face of this earth. This world,
because of its so worldliness, has got nothing to do but to be always engaged
in hatching conspiracies to deprive these chosen people of their perfect
innocence and perfect passivity so that they become like the other ordinary
human beings who populate this earth.
This scheme is so perfect a scheme of things that it presents them with
no problems, such problems which require hard thinking and hard labor to be
solved, since all the problems always stand solved well before they arise. What
is to be bothered about is the simplest act of encircling the relevant “enemy”
out of the list! Here is happening A, and behind it is the foreign hand, or any
other nomenclature which will work.
That works wonder in Pakistan!
Also, I think it is this methodology and this approach generally which
never lets us strive to find the Truth.
For the same reason, most of the “commissions of inquiries” never reach
any credible conclusions or findings, and never the Truth comes to the fore in
Pakistan. The latest example is the Abbottabad Commission, whose findings as
reported in the press no one is going to believe.
Actually, in each case the abundance of conspiracy theories and conspirators
distorts the horizon so much s that the Truth is lost.
Also, in Pakistan, the Truth is always concocted or manufactured, or
manipulated and injured. It never appears in a crystal clear form!
Or more truly, no attempt at reaching such a truth finds its way to the
realm of seeking and learning.
Let’s come to the point:
Recently I participated in two events and my above-stated apprehensions
got a boost.
On October 12, I attended a gathering organized by Pakistan Writers Club
in Lahore, where “Pakistan Kaesay Bana” (How Pakistan came into being) in two
volumes, written by Zahid Chaoudhry and Hassan Jafar Zaidi, was to be reviewed
and discussed.
For details of these books, see the website:
First Hussain Majrooh read a review of the book. Majrooh is basically a
poet, and the language he used to review a book of history was mostly literary.
Then he gave a talk detailing the issues dealt with in the books.
One important point he made: These books have been written in a
scientific and objective manner; and in the same breath he said: The writers
hold a progressive point of view and have analyzed the historical data using
the methodology of historical materialism.
How these two views, scientific and objective on the one hand, and
progressive and materialist on the other, reconcile is difficult to understand.
This reminds me of Frederick Engels’ book, Socialism: Utopian and
Scientific. The reviewer might be using the term, “scientific” in the sense
Engels’ uses.
I think the reviewer did not do justice to the book. He should have
given due attention to the methodology the authors have used in analyzing the
data and formulating their findings.
Later, Rashid Misbah, Khalid Mahboob, and one of the authors, Hassan
Jafar Zaidi himself spoke. They all and especially the author explained the
same methodology and there was consensus that the sub-continent was partitioned
by the British to serve their agenda, and along with them, it were the Hindus,
or the Congress, who or which helped the British execute this conspiracy or let
the partition take place, --- since the same was in their interest.
On October 16, there was another event organized by the Progressive
Writers Association, where tributes were paid to late Hameed Akhtar, a
prominent figure of the original Anjuman-e-Taraqqi Pasand Musannifeen
(Progressive Writers Association), and colleague of Sajjad Zaheer, one of the
founders of the Anjuman.
I reached late, and the proceedings were already in progress. Rashid
Misbah, a short-story writer, was expressing his views laden with Socialist
jargon and typically against Feudalism, Capitalism, and Multi-National
Corporations, and Consumerism, etc. Then other speakers shared their views
about the life and work of Hameed Akhtar. Then Professor Saadat Saeed, took the
rostrum. He talked about the oppressors and the oppressed; about the
victimization and exploitation of the masses at the hands of capitalists,
imperialists, etc. His punch line, in my opinion, was like this: The oppressors
and exploiters are defrauding the people, and now they have amassed misappropriated
wealth in the form of merely a plastic card. By it, he meant, Credit Card.
Unfortunately, I had to leave, and I left.
So this is how history is being written, read, understood and discussed
in Pakistan. Even if there is enough historical research accomplished, as is
said about the above-mentioned book (and other 10 books in this series), the
result is the same.
Let me confess: I have yet to read Hassan Jafar Zaidi’s book; that’s why
I abstained from expressing my own views specifically about this book. But what
I gleaned from the proceedings of the event I have reported here.
As for my approach to history, see two earlier posts on this blog, Hindand Sindh civilizations, and getting religion politicized, and Enterprise ofhistory – I.
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Saturday, October 20, 2012
Siyasi Partian Aur Loot Maar Ka Agenda
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Friday, October 19, 2012
The citizens states produce
states, or political elites, throughout the world, are successful: they have
come to control almost all the aspects of individual citizen’s life in most of
the countries.
control the “creation and cultivation” of human beings!
do this:
1. By
capturing the state and its institutions;
2. By
establishing ministries of information and communication (and things like that);
3. By
controlling education, especially by deciding what is to be taught in schools,
colleges, universities, and other educational entities;
4. By
establishing public sector education;
5. By
regulating private sector education;
6. By
controlling print and electronic media;
7. By
setting up their own print and electronic media entities;
8. By
regulating print and electronic media;
By setting up their own news agencies;
By inserting intellectual and ideological strictures in their constitutions;
By instituting plethora of such laws, rules and regulations which reduce the
day to day life of the individual citizens to a Sisyphean routine of
By designing such state machinery which is the greatest exploiter and the
blood-sucker of the ordinary citizens and the like of which human history has
never witnessed;
By prepossessing this or that intellectual, cultural, literary, artistic
By establishing cultural, linguistic, literary, and such institutions and
By not endowing such institutions, academies, and entities with autonomous
By running a continuous stream of insidious propaganda against this or that
imagined enemy and fanning militarism against it;
By sanctifying patriotism, nationalism, localism, tribalism – while qualifying
these ephemeral enclosures with transient political boundaries;
By politicizing religions and beliefs of their citizens;
By erecting groups and organizations to serve their hidden or open agendas;
By strengthening these and such entities to fight other views, trends, and
By following agendas of such and other un-democratic groups and organizations;
By belittling, harassing, besieging, subjugating and subduing the individual
but not least:
By denying individual citizens their innate freedom and fundamental rights.
doing all this, the states, or political elites try to produce the type of
citizens who suit them, their agenda and their interests. And, to a larger
extent, they have succeeded.
are producing mindless citizens, intellectual robots, and political toys.
they have succeeded in producing a new class of citizens; call them: Pro-Elite
individuals. (For details, see my Urdu book: The Rise of State Aristocracy in Pakistan) In Urdu, I have termed this class as Ashrafiya-nawaz, meaning
Pro-Aristocracy, or Pro-Elite.
are the born supporters of the State Aristocracy. They spend their whole life
aping the ways of the elites, and the greatest achievement of their life is to
reach the peripheries of the state power and taste it and they know well for this
to happen they need to follow slavishly in the footsteps of the State Aristocracy.
short, their burning desire is to be like the Master, the Indifferent Ruler; an
avatar of the Elite.
the states which aim at producing such citizens deny any personal freedom to
their citizens. And almost all of the states indulge in such “creation and cultivation of
the one hand, the states which bestow their citizens comparatively a greater
degree of personal freedom are on the path to gaining total control of their
citizens’ lives on this or that pretext.
the other, those which used to exercise “total quality control” over their
citizens are under ever increasing pressure to loosen the noose.
real dilemma, on both sides!
is an instance, the latest one, from China about the quality of citizens such
states produce:
- man beaten for driving Japanese car files suit
lawyer for Li Jianli, who was badly beaten in Xi’an for driving a Japanese-made
car during anti-Japan protests in China last month, said on Friday that Mr. Li
had decided to file a lawsuit against the local police on grounds of “serious
the complaint submitted to the Lianhu district court, Mr. Li accused the police
of failing to respond quickly and effectively to the violence during the
protests. He is seeking compensation of 500, 000 renminbi, or about $80, 000
from the police to recover his medical expenses and property damage costs. Mr.
Li suffered a smashed skull and is slowly recovering.
Li’s attacker, Cai Yang, is also believed to have sustained head injury, which
he may have received when Mr. Li in trying to protect his car against the mob,
threw a brick into the crowd, according to a report in the newspaper Southern
Weekend. Mr. Cai has been arrested and is awaiting trial.
Herald Tribune, Pakistan Print Edition, October 13-14, 2012]
let me add:
things matter:
1. The
state is not an end in-itself; it is an instrument to protect individuals from
other individuals and groups of individuals. It is not to be used for any other
purpose whatsoever.
Individual human being is the ultimate unit of all analyses, and is a value
in-itself, an end in-itself, as Kant put it. He ought to be the One for whom
and for whose facilitation the whole apparatus of the state machinery exists.
us see how many citizens are there where we live who are allowed to enjoy power
over their selves and who are free to cultivate themselves, and how many
citizens are there which the state and its non-state-actors have produced and
the last analysis, the quality of citizens’ life depends on this indicator.
course, the counting may be difficult, almost impossible; and it would be
inhuman too.
let us examine the ways states behave with their citizens, like authoritarian
and totalitarian parents, or as protectors of the rights and freedoms, and the
life and property of their citizens.
us try to confine states to their original protective function!
this may restore individuality and uniqueness to each and every individual life!
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Thursday, October 18, 2012
Ashrafiya Ke Turray
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Riyasati Ashrafiya Ka Pakistan - 1: Wasim Sajjad Ke Sahibzaday Adviser Muqarrar
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Mafia politics
Pakistan is a
victim of political parties whose motto is: politics of the mafia, by the
mafia, for the mafia!
Every moment and
every day the citizens of Pakistan
are being inescapably entangled more and more in the tentacles of mafia
politicians. Sometimes in the name of Revolution, sometimes in the name of
Religion, sometimes in the name of Democracy, sometimes in the name of
Enlightened Moderation, or such other traps, these mafia politicians fool and
exploit the people. But they never talk of what the Pakistani citizens have
desperately been wanting from the day one, and what they really need at the
moment also. This is Rule of Law, which was introduced first by the British in
the sub-continent. Tragically, though the British are still reviled both by the
Left and the Right equally, unfortunately with their departure, the Rule of Law
also departed - at least in the sub-continental Pakistan .
Living through the six
decades of the so-called independence, Pakistanis are yet to witness the
establishment of the Rule of Law in their country. Instead, what exists before
their eyes is such a great dust that does not let them see and distinguish
clearly crime from politics. Ironically, crime, religion and politics have all
compounded into one – and inseparably. Whether it is the case of politicians
transforming into criminals, or criminals relaxing into politics, it is certain
that politics has already been pervaded through and through by mafias. Or, it
has acquired the ways of the mafia!
It’s not that long
ago, but only a few years back, that someone wrote to the editor of an English
daily: "My generation - one that once lived under British governance -
knows what the rule of law meant. What we have today is anarchy. People like
me, who are not affiliated with a political party, the bureaucracy, the army or
the press, are treated as though we are not even citizens of the state. And yet
we are the majority, the teeming, toiling citizens of Pakistan ............"
The departure of the
Rule of Law with the British benefited all those who do not flourish under
rules and laws. Of course, these include criminals, but noticeably the
political, religious, military, business, trade, intellectual, media elites.
Let me add that as with time the absence of the Rule of Law entrenched, these
elites converted into mafias. With time, not only their number increased, their
range and scope also expanded. Land mafia, estate mafia, trade union mafia,
medical mafia, (and such), are the new additions. There are other waiting in
the wings to be enlisted. Sure, this does exclude the real criminal mafia! And
last but not least, the corruption mafia, which lives within and without all
these mafias - like a super-mafia.
A distinction may be
made between two types of mafias existing in Pakistan . The one which cannot do
without living and working without being a mafia; and the other, which has to
adopt and adapt to the ways of the mafia because in an environment replete with
mafias it cannot survive, at this or that level. However, the incidence of both
is linked to one symptom: the absence of the Rule of Law. One can enumerate
hundreds of small and big, and ever newer crimes, and other unethical practices,
that took root and flourished in an environment where no Rule of Law prevailed.
More important than all such things is the fact that under such circumstance a
new “creature” took birth in Pakistan .
It is devoid of any norms, manners, etiquettes, and moral and ethical
principles, and regards any rules and laws with extreme arrogance. Its
population is fast on the increase under the present favorable circumstances.
Finally, there comes
the Supreme Mafia – the state, the government of Pakistan ! As other mafias do not
like rules and laws since they hinder their growth, likewise, if a government
does not like rules and laws, and violates them with utter disregard, it
transforms itself into a mafia. Rather, it proves to be a fertile ground for
all types of mafias to grow and flourish. Ours governments have been so, and
the present one is more so - like a mafia government.
The greatest crime
the state and governments in Pakistan
have throughout and always been committing is that they did not establish the
Rule of Law in the country whereas it was their first and the foremost duty.
Still, as regards the present government, it has nowhere on its agenda the
establishment of the Rule of Law in Pakistan , let alone on the top of
its priorities. Contrarily, it espouses a Policy of Reconciliation which in
real terms amounts to a Policy of Reconciliation with the Mafias. In plain
words, this means a ‘Policy of Live and Let Live’ – which translates into a
policy of no wrangling with any mafia!
Is it this what a
government stands for? Isn’t it the first and the foremost duty of a government
to establish Rule of Law? Isn’t it the Rule of Law that ensures protection of
life and property to each and every citizen? Isn’t it the Rule of Law that
secures personal freedom and justice to each and every citizen? The citizens of
have never tasted such a government whose top priority had or has been to
establish the Rule of Law. Nor the present government has had such an agenda.
So far as the
manifestoes or programs of all the political, religious or other
pseudo-political or religious, parties are concerned, no one talks of (and
means) the Rule of Law to be established in Pakistan. No doubt, they should
not; this is inimical to their politics and survival. But the question is: for
whom these parties exist? Aren’t they there for the benefit of the citizens of Pakistan ?
Obvious enough, if they consider the benefit of the citizens of Pakistan as
their top goal they must put the establishment of the Rule of Law at the top of
their political program. Not only that, they should start right now a campaign
for the same, and instead of ‘saving democracy,’ ‘calling for Revolution,’
build pressure on the present government to establish the Rule of Law, which
may prove their sincerity to the cause of the citizens of the Pakistan!
Also as much
important, it is for the citizens to use the notion and value of the Rule of
Law as the only yardstick to judge the government and its institutions as well
the politics of all the parties, political or religious. The value of the Rule
of Law is such a touchstone that helps not only weigh the quality of the
government but the quality of those parties, or better say mafias, also which
aspire to be in the government. So, in order to make Pakistan a country which
is not ruled by mafias, but the Laws, every street, every road, every café,
every home, every meeting place, every radio and TV channel, every private and
public institution, every educational premises, and finally every mind and
heart, should echo but with one Slogan: We want Rule of Law! First and
foremost, the Rule of Law!
[This article was completed on January 31, 2011, and was carried by various newspapers in Pakistan. ]
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Halwaee Ki Dukan Ya Pakistan
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shifted to the Urdu Blog - Civil Pakistan. To see it, click the link
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Bloggers’ status in Pakistan
October 12, a letter appeared in The Frontier Post.
is its text:
“Hurdles of
Pakistani bloggers
Pakistani bloggers cannot enjoy journalists’ legal privileges? The journalists,
media persons, news anchors always enjoy legal privileges and certain
immunities across the world as compared to the ordinary citizens of the State.
The journalists all over the world are protected under media shield laws that
allow journalists not to identify their sources.
when it comes to bloggers who are also regarded as Online Columnists, no such
exemption, shield body or legal protection is offered to them as afforded to
journalists. In this digital age of Internet world, where blogging and Online
media have ground their bases, same sort of luxury and exemption must be
granted to bloggers as well, so that they could value their worth the same as
journalists do. No blogger either from Pakistan or from any nook and corner of
the earth enjoys immunity from the law as they are still not considered as the
part of media.
be a pert of the media, it is necessary for the one to get affiliated with any
newspaper, magazine, periodical, book, pamphlet, broadcast station or network,
news service, news or feature syndicate, wire service or cable television
system. Otherwise, one would not be believed as the part of media and cannot
enjoy journalists’ legal privileges.
Pakistan, bloggers are not treated as the media persons and face harsh hurdles
if they are found liable over defaming content against a celebrity or an
Hassam Ahmed, Karachi]
first make it clear what the letter tries to say:
The letter highlights that the bloggers, the online columnists or journalists,
do not enjoy such “shield body or legal protection” otherwise enjoyed by
Also, it argues that “the journalists all over the world are protected under
media shield laws that allow journalists not to identify their sources.”
It demands that the “same sort of luxury and exemption” be given to bloggers.
By saying, “No blogger either from Pakistan or from any nook and corner of the
earth enjoys immunity from the law as they are still not considered as the part
of media,” the letter implies that the bloggers be given “immunity from the
law” which journalists enjoy.
5. In
its 3rd paragraph, the letter makes a case for the bloggers to be
given status as the online columnists or journalists or media persons, even if
they are not affiliated with any media entity which is the case with all the
In the same paragraph it argues that in the absence of this status the bloggers
“cannot enjoy journalists’ legal privileges.”
The letter also argues that as the bloggers in Pakistan do not enjoy the
privileged status media persons enjoy, “so (they) face harsh hurdles if they
are found liable over defaming content against a celebrity or an institution.”
to this letter, I have the following points to make:
The letter makes a genuine case for the bloggers to be considered as columnists
or journalists or media persons in their own right.
the first place, I think the bloggers, through their blogs, should be able to earn
such a status.
know one such example:
September 2010, David Farrar, a blogger, was one of the 3 speakers on “Getting the message
out” – I too spoke there on the same topic. The event was Pacific Rim Policy
Exchange in Sydney. See some important features from his bio:
Farrar is the owner and editor of Kiwiblog, New Zealand's most widely read
blog. Kiwiblog averages 500,000 page views a month and has an estimated
audience of around 80,000 readers. In seven years Farrar has made 17,500 posts,
attracting over 600,000 comments. David is also a regular commentator on radio,
in print and on television. In 2009, the New Zealand Listener ranked David 4th
place on their annual media power list. He also maintains a separate polling
blog whose weighted average of the public polls was found to be a more accurate
predictor of the 2008 election outcome than any of the individual polling
companies. As the importance of social media increases, David has found himself
a regular speaker to business, legal, and industry groups on the use of social
doubt this is an extreme case; but it brings home certain points, such as
blogging may earn a special status to a blogger, and he should try his luck and
talent instead of earning that status via privileges bestowed by governments.
In the 2nd place, there needs to be developed certain procedure
which would accredit bloggers to be a registered as bloggers enjoying certain
professional privileges with due responsibility. Also, I will suggest this
accreditation agency should strictly be a private entity.
3. The
letter talks of several “privileges, immunities, shield laws” media persons in
Pakistan enjoy. This is an undeniable fact. The media persons in Pakistan enjoy
many privileges, legal or not legal; more than that, media persons in Pakistan
do have a nuisance value which has increased with the emergence of private TV
and Radio channels.
But in no way it means that journalists or media persons should enjoy such
privileges which include favors and payments from state and governments in the
form of grants to their associations, clubs, etc, or housing schemes meant for
them, or any such things.
That media persons should not be forced to reveal source / sources of their
information is more of an ethical question. It’s part of the professional
ethics of media persons more than the laws prevailing in a country.
6. Of
course, that’s just absurd that journalists or bloggers be given immunity from
laws of the land, if the letter truly means that. Be he a journalist or a
blogger, he should be held responsible for the information and opinions he
shares with his readers. Likewise, no journalist or blogger can be considered privileged
enough to enjoy immunity in cases of libel and defamation, as the letter seems
to be implying and demanding.
7. It
is interesting to see through the lens of the contents of this letter that how media
persons or journalists practically operate in Pakistan and how the letter
demands all those privileges (“legal privileges, immunities, media shield laws,
exemption, shield body, legal protection, luxury”) for the bloggers also.
8. Lastly,
the letter made a good point for the bloggers to be considered as journalists
or media persons, but it confused it with all those “luxuries” it finds
journalists enjoying in Pakistan.
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